
arbizú suecia

Due to the academic activities conducted by UNTRM to strengthen scientific research, through the development of international exchanges with the best universities in the world and thanks to the funding of ProCiencia-CONCYTEC; Ph.D. Carlos I. Arbizu Berrocal, professor at the Faculty of Engineering and Agrarian Sciences and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Plant Genetics and Plant Breeding Genetic of our university, has been participating as a visiting researcher at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU by its Swedish acronym), the third best university in the world in Agricultural Sciences and Forestry.


The UNTRM achieved a big success at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, by obtaining two prestigious award medals: Gold medal in the Environmental Protection and Recycling category for its invention “Chachapure filter: System of filter for Dental Wastewater”, and bronze in the category of Medicine, Surgery, Orthopedics and Materials for the disabled people for the invention “Device with lingual positioner for disinfection of the oral cavity”.


With the goal of continuing to position itself in academic and scientific quality, UNTRM has established links with high-level international universities. The Rector of the National University Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas, conducted linkage, strengthening and management actions with the prestigious Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and Lund University, both located in Sweden, and with the University of Copenhagen from Denmark.


With the goal of bolstering international collaborations with prestigious universities to provide high-quality higher education globally in postgraduate studies, Dr. Jorge Luis Maicelo Quintana, the Rector of the National University Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza of Amazonas, is engaging in academic management and research activities at the esteemed University of Sydney (USYD), Australia, ranked No. 19 in the world according to QS 2024.

convenio nor carolina

With the firm objective of being the leading university in scientific research and internationally accredited and recognizing the importance of establishing scientific and cultural relationships between internationally prestigious higher education institutions, UNTRM signed a cooperation agreement with the University of North Carolina of the United States, to strengthen academic programs and research activities in the creation, management and strengthening of master's and doctoral programs in agricultural sciences, environmental sciences and life sciences.

ganadores beca

Thanks to her dedication and valuable contributions to the field of environmental research and global health, Mg. Ceili Milagros Zuta Chamoli and M. Sc. Jesús Rascón Barrios, research professors at UNTRM, have been meticulously selected by the GEOHealth Hub evaluation committee, among distinguished Latin American professionals, to participate in the GEOHEALTH International Environmental Health Research Course HUB (NIH/FIC) that will be developed in Lima.


The Ph.D. Martha S. Calderón Rios and Ph.D. Danilo E. Bustamante Mostajo, research professors from #UNTRM, presented their research work in oral and poster format at the Animal and Plant Genome Conference – #PAG (for the acronym in English of Plant and Animal Genome Conference), held held from January 12 to 17, 2024 in the city of San Diego, California, United States.

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