UNTRM research professors win “Scholarship for the International Environmental Health Research Course” from the GEOHealth Hub (NIH/FIC)

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Thanks to her dedication and valuable contributions to the field of environmental research and global health, Mg. Ceili Milagros Zuta Chamoli and M. Sc. Jesús Rascón Barrios, research professors at UNTRM, have been meticulously selected by the GEOHealth Hub evaluation committee, among distinguished Latin American professionals, to participate in the GEOHEALTH International Environmental Health Research Course HUB (NIH/FIC) that will be developed in Lima.

The GEOHealth Hub International Environmental Health Research Course is part of the Global Environmental and Occupational Health program of the National Institute of Health of the United States of America (NIH) and is recognized for providing a unique platform for professionals committed to environmental health.

This selection demonstrates the impact that researchers have achieved in their research areas. The GEOHealth Hub, a leader in environmental research initiatives, will ensure participants an unparalleled learning and collaboration experience. The course will address current challenges in environmental health and provide opportunities for knowledge exchange and networking between experts and professionals from the United States, Chile and Peru.

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